Series Article of Git -- 01

Support for password authentication was removed on ... 以及免密配置

Posted by OUC_LiuX on September 8, 2021

一个多月没更新博客,今天(8thSep2021)再次更新的时候,使用 git push 提交报错:
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
remote: Please see for more information.

这是因为自2021年8月13号开始,github的接入规则发生了变化。解决方案转载自 stackoverflow

From August 13, 2021, GitHub is no longer accepting account passwords when authenticating Git operations. You need to add a PAT (Personal Access Token) instead, and you can follow the below method to add a PAT on your system.

Create Personal Access Token on GitHub

From your GitHub account, go to
Settings => Developer Settings => Personal Access Token => Generate New Token (Give your password) => Fillup the form => click Generate token => Copy the generated Token,

it will be something like ghp_sFhFsSHhTzMDreGRLjmks4Tzuzgthdvfsrta


For WinOS

Go to Credential Manager from Control Panel => Windows Credentials => find git: => Edit => On Password replace with with your GitHub Personal Access Token => You are Done.

If you don’t find git: => Click on Add a generic credential => Internet address will be git: and you need to type in your username and password will be your GitHub Personal Access Token => Click Ok and you are done.

For Linux-based OS

For Linux, you need to configure the local GIT client with a username and email address.

$ git config --global "your_github_username"      
$ git config --global "your_github_email"     
$ git config -l     

Once GIT is configured, we can begin using it to access GitHub. Example:

$ git clone       
> Cloning into `Spoon-Knife`...      
$ Username for '' : username     
$ Password for '' : give your personal access token here     

实际上就是在验证过程中用 PAT 代替了密码,如果继续使用 PAT 验证,反而更麻烦。于是建议使用 ssh 免密登录:

Ubuntu 下

$ ls -al ~/.ssh


id_rsa (私钥)——这个不能泄露公钥)


$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

接着提示输入私钥密码passphrase, 如果不想使用私钥登录的话,私钥密码为空,直接回车。
生成成功后,把 拷贝到 github 新建的 SSH keys 中。内容格式形如:
“git-rsa xxx…xxx your@email.address”

配置好后,需要git操作的项目得使用 SSH clone:

如果项目已经在本地,且地址为 http 形式,需要更新其 url 地址,方法有三种:

  1. 命令修改
    git remote origin set-url [url]     
  2. 先删后加
    git remote rm origin     
    git remote add origin [url]      
  3. 直接修改config文件 (实测,可行) 项目路径下进入 .git 子路径,找到 config 文件。
    编辑该配置文件,把原 url 项的 https 地址替换成新的 ssh 即可。
    之后可免密码 git push/pull。